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  • Discovery Islands Mapping Project purpose from FOCUS Magazine on Vimeo.

  • THE PURPOSE OF THIS PROJECT is to persuade government and industry to end the abuse of public land on the Discovery Islands. We are dedicated to shifting their current view of the forest as being a commodity that may be exploited for profit by a few, to seeing the forest as a life-giving force that provides critically needed wildlife habitat, clean air, regulates the flow of water, provides climate moderation, recreation and inspiration, and that could create employment for a greater number of people than is provided by logging.

     WE ARE SURVEYING AND MAPPING the Timber Harvesting Land Base on the Discovery Islands to determine the location and occurrence of:

    • Areas with old-growth Douglas-fir, Western Red Cedar and hemlock forests

    • Habitat needed by threatened and endangered species

    • Sensitive ecosystems like lakes, creeks and wetlands

    • The occurrence and identification of all resident and breeding species, with a special focus on those that are threatened or endangered

    • Sites that can safely sequester forest carbon for long periods

    • Areas that have high potential for recreational experiences

     WE ARE ALSO MONITORING the actual economic costs and benefits associated with logging, and assessing forest employment alternatives.


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