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  • Ecora Resources Timber Supply Review for TFL 47 (2012)

    Project Staff

    This document (see link below, page 6) contains estimates of the area of the timber harvesting land base of TFL 47 for the Quadra Landscape Unit and the Thurlow Landscape Unit. The Discovery Islands Forest Conservation Project has interpolated Ecora’s estimate for the Thurlow LU to estimated the THLB in the TFL 47 portion of each of the 4 islands in that LU.

    The legal boundaries of TFL 47 have not changed since Ecora’s report in a way that affects the THLB estimate.

    Our estimates of the THLB in TFL 47 on each island are as follows:

    Quadra Island: 11,000 hectares

    Sonora Island: 9104 hectares

    East Thurlow Island: 5379 hectares

    West Thurlow Island: 4187 hectares

    Hardwicke Island: 5253 hectares

    These estimates are used in our communications with both TimberWest Forest Corp and the Ministry of Forests.

    We will update the above estimates when TimberWest provides updated information.


    Timber Supply Analysis for TFL 47 by Ecora 2012 copy 2.pdf

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