Hi Laura,
No mapping has been done on Quadra Island. In its 2022 forest stewardship plan for Quadra, TimberWest states that "an analysis will be completed" to ensure that the area of "mature forest" (>80 years) in SMZ 19 will not drop below "25 percent" as required in SMZ 19 under the Vancouver Island Land Use Plan Higher Level Plan Order. They have not made such an analysis public if they have done it at all.
Although TimberWest has its own map of old forest (see the map at the bottom of this page), this mapping does not reflect the full occurrence of remnant old forest on Quadra (see our map near the bottom of this page.). For example it does not include the old forest north of the Back Bog that you are trying to conserve. TimberWest has committed to not log individual old trees (>250 years old), but it logs all around them and between them, thus destroying the on-the-ground old-forest biodiversity associated with these remnant old forest ecosystems and ignoring the strategy recommended by VILUP to restore old forest in SMZ 19. This practice also makes the old trees more vulnerable to wind and damage from logging equipment. This practice is one of the subjects of an active complaint before the Forest Practices Board. (The Board recently informed me that the final investigation report is now in the Board's hands.)
After the VILUP was implemented in 2000, TimberWest resisted landscape level planning for Quadra Island and so no Old Growth Management Areas have ever been created here. Although they are not perfect (roads can be built through them if no other option for accessing timber is possible, and sometimes they do not even contain old forest), logging is generally not permitted within OGMAs, so their value in conserving biodiversity is much higher than the situation we have in TFL 47 on Quadra. It is my hope that the Board will see fit to recommend the establishment of OGMAs on Quadra Island. I have written elsewhere about how 22 TFLs in BC have evaded establishment of OGMAs within their boundaries. Aided and abetted by the ministry of forests and district managers, unfortunately.