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  • Survey of veteran overstorey trees logged in a 3-hectare cutblock at Hummingbird Lake in 2019

    David Broadland

    IN JULY AND AUGUST 2019, a contractor working for the license-holder of Woodlot 2031 cut old forest on a 3-hectare cutblock on the north side of Hummingbird Lake.

    In April 2023, the Discovery Islands Forest Conservation Project submitted a complaint about the logging to the BC Forest Practices Board. We initially estimated at least 33 trees with ages greater than 250 years had been cut.

    As part of the evidence that these were healthy, old-growth trees that were growing at a density great enough to qualify as a stand of “old forest”, we photographed and measured the stump of each felled tree (not including snags) that had a diameter greater than 100 centimetres (3.3 feet).

    According to the Guidelines to Support Implementation of the Great Bear Rainforest Order with Respect to Old Forest and Listed Plant Communities (which is applicable, for example, on Sonora Island, about 9 kilometres north of Hummingbird Lake) a density of 10 veteran overstorey trees per hectare is enough to give the maximum score of 3.0 points under the Forest Attribute Score methodolgy used to determine whether a stand of old forest qualifies for conservation.

    In the 3-hectare cutblock at Hummingbird lake, we found:

    • 17 veteran overstorey trees had been retained by the licensee

    • 38 stumps with diameters greater than 3.3 feet

    • at least one stump with a diameter greater than 3.3 feet had been buried under a burn pile (not measured)

    • an estimated 4 such stumps had been buried under the roads in the cutblock, which cover approximately 10 percent of the area of the cutblock

    Based on those numbers, there had been—before roadbuilding and logging occurred—approximately 60 old-growth Douglas firs and cedars growing in the area that was logged.

    The density of veteran overstorey trees was, therefore, approximately 20 stems per hectare, twice as high as necessary for the stand to receive the highest points possible under the Forest Attribute Score.

    The stand had also contained many standing snags and abundant large downed trees on the forest floor, both necessary attributes to qualify the stand as “old forest” suitable for conservation status.

    Below are photographs of those 38 stumps within the 3-hectare cutblock that had diameters greater than 3.3 feet and whose cut surfaces were visible. Of the 38 stumps, rot was visible in 6 cases:


    1. DSC00216 WP 176.jpg

    1. Douglas fir stump, diameter 5.0 feet, tree was sound


    2. DSC00219 WP 177.jpg

    2. Douglas fir stump, diameter 3.9 feet, tree had some rot at core


    3. DSC00220 WP 178.jpg

    3. Douglas fir stump, diameter 3.7 feet, tree was sound


    4. DSC00221 WP 179.jpg

    4. Douglas fir stump, diameter 4.4 feet, tree was sound


    5. DSC00222 WP 180.jpg

    5. Douglas fir stump, diameter 5.2 feet, tree was sound


    6. DSC00224 WP 182.jpg

    6. Douglas fir stump, diameter 4.6 feet, tree was sound


    7. DSC00227 WP 184 .jpg

    7. Douglas fir stump, diameter 5.0 feet, tree was sound



    8. Douglas fir stump, diameter 4.0 feet, tree was sound


    8. DSC00228 WP 185.jpg

    9. Douglas fir stump, diameter 5.7 feet, tree was sound


    9. DSC00231 WP 186.jpg

    10. Douglas fir stump, diameter 5.7 feet, tree was sound


    10. DSC00232 WP 188.jpg

    11. Douglas fir stump, diameter 5.8 feet, tree was sound


    11. DSC00234 WP 189.jpg

    12. Douglas fir stump, diameter 4.7 feet, tree was sound


    12. DSC00237 WP 190.jpg

    13. Douglas fir stump, diameter 4.8 feet, tree was sound


    13. DSC00238 WP 191.jpg

    14. Douglas fir stump, diameter 5.3 feet, tree had some rot at core


    14. DSC00242 WP 192.jpg

    15. Douglas fir stump, diameter 4.1 feet, tree was sound


    15. DSC00245 WP 193.jpg

    16. Douglas fir stump, diameter 5.2 feet, tree was sound


    16. DSC00248 WP 194.jpg

    17. Douglas fir stump, diameter 4.6 feet, tree was sound


    17. DSC00251 WP 195.jpg

    18. Douglas fir stump, diameter 5.4 feet, tree was sound


    18. DSC00252 WP 196.jpg

    19. Douglas fir stump, diameter 5.2 feet, tree was sound


    19. DSC00254 WP 197.jpg

    20. Douglas fir stump, diameter 4.7 feet, tree was sound


    20. DSC00255 WP 198.jpg

    21. Douglas fir stump, diameter 4.2 feet, tree was sound


    21. DSC00262 WP 199.jpg

    22. Douglas fir stump, diameter 4.7 feet, tree was sound


    22. DSC00263 WP 200.jpg

    23. Douglas fir stump, diameter 4.7 feet, tree was sound


    23. DSC00264 WP 201.jpg

    24. Douglas fir stump, diameter 4.9 feet, small area of rot at core


    25. DSC00268 WP 202.jpg

    25. Douglas fir stump, diameter 3.6 feet, tree was sound


    26. DSC00269 WP 204.jpg

    26. Douglas fir stump, diameter 3.9 feet, tree was sound


    27. DSC00270 WP 205.jpg

    27. Douglas fir stump, diameter 4.4 feet, tree was sound


    28. DSC00271 WP 206.jpg

    28. Douglas fir stump, diameter 4.2 feet, tree had rot at core and out to one side


    29. DSC00275 WP 207-A.jpg

    29. Douglas fir stump, diameter 4.2 feet, tree had some rot at core


    30. DSC00276 WP 207-B.jpg

    30. Douglas fir stump, diameter 4.5 feet, tree was sound



    31. Red cedar stump, diameter 6.3 feet, tree had rot at core


    31. DSC00277 WP 208 Snag.jpg

    32. Douglas fir stump, diameter 3.9 feet, this appears to have been a standing snag


    32. DSC00278 WP 209.jpg

    33. Douglas fir stump, diameter 5.1 feet, tree was sound


    33. DSC00284 WP 210.jpg

    34. Douglas fir stump, diameter 3.9 feet, tree was sound


    34. DSC00285 WP 211.jpg

    35. Douglas fir stump, diameter 3.0 feet, tree was sound


    35. DSC00299 WP 213.jpg

    36. Red cedar stump, diameter 6.1 feet, tree was sound


    36. DSC00300 WP 214.jpg

    37. Douglas fir stump, diameter 4.4 feet, tree was sound


    37. DSC00301 WP 215.jpg

    38. Douglas fir stump, diameter 4.5 feet, tree was sound

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