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  • Odonata (Dragonflies and Damselflies)

    Families of Odonata observed on the Discovery Islands are shown below.

    To record your observation of a dragonfly or damselfly, click on the image in the gallery above that's most like your find. 

    See the map of occurrences of these species on the Discovery Islands.

    Return to Insects portal page



    Boreal Bluet (Enallagma boreale)

    Observed at Hyacinthe Bay Stewardship Area, July 24, 2019.

    Yellow-listed (S5) in BC.





    Cardinal Meadowhawk (Sympetrum illotum)

    Observed at Hyacinthe Bay Stewardship Area July 19, 2019.

    Yellow-listed (S4) in BC.





    Chalk-Fronted Skimmer (Ladona julia)

    Observed at Lake Assu July 20, 2019.

    Yellow-listed (S5) in BC.





    Cherry-Faced Meadowhawk (Sympetrum internum)

    Observed at Lake Assu July 20, 2019.

    Yellow-listed (S4) in BC.





    Crimson-Ringed Whiteface (Leucorrhinia glacialis)

    Observed at Hummingbird Lake July 27, 2019.

    Yellow-listed (S5) in BC.





    Eight-Spotted Skimmer (Libellula forensis)

    Observed at Lake Assu July 20, 2019.

    This skimmer's name comes from the total number of black wing patches.

    Yellow-listed (S4) in BC.





    Northern Spreadwing (Lestes disjunctus

    Observed at Hyacinthe Bay Stewardship Area August 5, 2019.

    Yellow-listed (S5) in BC.





    Pacific Spiketail (Cordulegaster dorsalis)

    Observed beside new logging road going through patch of old-growth Douglas Fir west of Darkwater Lake, July 20, 2019.

    Yellow-listed (S4) in BC.





    Paddle-Tailed Darner (Aeshna palmata)

    Observed in the Hyacinthe Bay Stewardship Area August 17, 2019.

    Yellow-listed (S5) in BC.





    Striped Meadowhawk (Sympetrum pallipes)

    Observed at Wolf Lake July 27, 2019.

    Yellow-listed (S5) in BC.





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