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  • Discovery Islands place names

    Did you know that Quadra Island has over 75 small lakes scattered around the island? They're all delightful places, but only eleven of them have been given official names. This same lack of names for creeks, heights of land, waterfalls, bays, points and channels makes it difficult to share the experience of exploring these islands. To rectify that situation somewhat, this project has assembled all the official names on one map and has begun to create placeholder names for significant physical features until such time as they receive official names, too. This project will adopt First Nations names for places as they become known to us.

    You can find maps of each island below with both official and unofficial names (this is a work in progress).

    Quadra Island

    Cortes Island

    Read Island

    Maurelle Island

    Sonora Island

    West Redonda Island

    East Redonda Island

    smaller islands

    The map below contains all the official names. If you know the name of some place that doesn't have an official name, contact us. We'll add it to your island's map as an unofficial name.

    You may have to zoom in close to a feature to see its official name.

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