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  • Old-growth Management Areas (legal)

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  • Legal Old Growth Management Areas (OGMAs) by island

    Legal OGMAs are spatially designated areas, supposedly within the timber harvesting land base, that have been established to “protect” old forest for the purpose of biodiversity conservation. In many cases these legal OGMAs do not contain old forest but have been set aside as “old forest recruitment areas”. The location of such recruitment OGMAs can be changed by the ministry at the request of a logging company.

    The Ministry of Forests has also created “non-legal” OGMAs which are generally created in already protected areas, like parks and ecological reserves, to minimize the impact of OGMAs on timber supply.

    Only those islands where landscape level planning was conducted have OGMAs on them. Note that Quadra, Sonora, the Thurlows and Hardwicke Island have no legal or non-legal OGMAs.

    Cortes Island:  523.3 hectares

    East Redonda Island: 257.1 hectares

    East Thurlow Island: zero hectares

    Hardwicke Island: zero hectares

    Maurelle Island: 310.9 hectares

    Quadra Island: zero hectares

    Raza Island: 66.3 hectares

    Read Island: 92.7 hectares

    Sonora Island: zero hectares

    West Redonda Island: 866.7 hectares

    West Thurlow Island: zero hectares

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