Allium acuminatum (Hooker's Onion)
Observed in the Hyacinthe Bay Stewardship Area.
BC List: S5 (Yellow)
For more information see acuminatum
Allium cernuum (Nodding Onion)
Observed in the Hyacinthe Bay Stewardship Area.
BC List: S5 (Yellow)
For more information see
Apocynum androsaemifolium (Spreading Dogbane)
Observed near Darkwater Mountain
BC List: S5 (Yellow)
For more information see androsaemifolium
Boschniakia hookeri (Vancouver Groundcone)
Observed in the Hyacinthe Bay Stewardship Area.
BC List: Unlisted
For more information see hookeri
Cakile maritima (European Searocket)
Observed in the Hyacinthe Bay Stewardship Area.
BC List: Exotic
For more information see maritima
Calypso bulbosa var. occidentalis (Fairy Slipper)
Observed at Rebecca Spit on April 23, 2022 by Luna Loiseau
BC List: S5 (Yellow)
For more information see: bulbosa var. occidentalis
Cardamine nuttallii (Slender Toothwort)
Observed in the Hyacinthe Bay Stewardship Area
BC List: S5 (Yellow)
For more information see nuttallii
Cirsium arvense (Canada Thistle)
Observed near Clear Lake.
BC List: Exotic
For more information please see arvense
Cirsium vulgare (Bull Thistle)
Observed in the Hyacinthe Bay Stewardship Area.
BC List: Exotic
For more information see vulgare
Claytonia sibirica (Siberian Miner's-Lettuce)
Observed in the Hyacinthe Bay Stewardship area. Flower often appears whiter than pictured here.
BC List: S5 (Yellow)
For more information see sibirica
Corallorhiza mertensiana (Western Coralroot)
Observed in the Hyacinthe Bay Stewardship Area.
BC List: S5 (Yellow)
For more information see mertensiana
Dicentra formosa (Bleeding Heart)
Observed in the Hyacinthe Bay Stewardship Area.
BC List: S5 (Yellow)
For more information see formosa
Digitalis purpurea (Foxglove)
Observed in Hyacinthe Bay Stewardship Area.
BC List: Exotic
For more information see purpurea
Epilobium angustifolium (Fireweed)
Observed in the Hyacinthe Bay Stewardship Area.
BC List: S5 (Yellow)
For more information see angustifolium
Epilobium ciliatum (Purple-Leaved Willowherb)
Observed in the Hyacinthe Bay Stewardship Area.
BC List: S5 (Yellow)
For more information see ciliatum
Geranium dissectum (Cutleaf Geranium)
Observed in the Hyacinthe Bay Stewardship Area.
BC List: Exotic
For more information see dissectum
Geranium molle (Dovefoot Geranium)
Observed in the Hyacinthe Bay Stewardship Area.
BC List: Exotic
For more information see molle
Geranium robertianum (Herb Robert)
Observed in the Hyacinthe Bay Stewardship Area.
BC List: Exotic
For more information see robertianum
Lathyrus japonicus (Beach Pea)
Observed in the Hyacinthe Bay Stewardship Area.
BC List: S5 (Yellow)
For more information see japonicus
Linnaea borealis (Twinflower)
Observed in the Hyacinthe Bay Stewardship Area. Flower can appear more or less white- or pink-coloured.
BC List: S5 (Yellow)
For more information see: borealis
Lysimachia latifolia (Broad-leaved Starflower)
Observed in the Hyacinthe Bay Stewardship Area.
BC List: S4S5 (Yellow)
For more information see
The flower of the Broad-leaved Starflower can also be white. Photo by David Broadland
Mentha canadensis (American cornmint)
Observed in the Hyacinthe Bay Stewardship Area.
BC List: S5 (Yellow)
For more information see arvensis
Montia parvifolia (Small-leaved montia)
Observed in the Hyacinthe Bay Stewardship Area.
BC List: S5 (Yellow)
For more information see parvifolia
Orobanche californica (California Broomrape)
Observed in the Hyacinthe Bay Stewardship Area.
BC List: S5 (Yellow)
For more information see
Penstemon davidsonii (Davidson's Penstemon)
Observed by David Broadland at the east end of Raven Ridge on May 23, 2021.
BC List: S5 (Yellow)
For more information see: davidsonii
Photo by David Broadland.
Penstemon serrulatus (Coast Penstemon)
Observed by Luna Loiseau on June 4, 2022 near the north end of Gowlland Harbour on Quadra Island.
BC List: S5 (yellow)
For more information see: serrulatus
Photo by Luna Loiseau.
Plectritis congesta ssp congesta (Shortspur Sea Blush)
Observed in the Hyacinthe Bay Stewardship Area.
BC List: S5 (Yellow)
For more information see congesta&redblue=Both&lifeform=
Polygonum spergulariiforme (Spurry Knotweed)
Observed in Hyacinthe Bay Stewardship near Wildflower Lodge (flowering in October).
BC List: Yellow (S5)
For more information see
Primula pauciflora (Dark-throated Shooting Star)
Observed by Luna Loiseau near Gowlland Harbour on May 10, 2022.
BC List: S5 (Yellow)
For more information see: pauciflora var. pauciflora&noTransfer=0
Photograph by Luna Loiseau
Rosa nutkana (Nootka Rose)
Observed in the Hyacinthe Bay Stewardship Area.
BC List: S5 (Yellow)
For more information see nutkana
Silene coronaria (Rose Campion)
Observed in the Hyacinthe Bay Stewardship Area.
BC List: Exotic
For more information see
Silene gallica (Small-flowered Catchfly)
Observed in the Hyacinthe Bay Stewardship Area.
BC List: Exotic
For more information see
Spiraea douglasii (Hardhack)
Observed in the Hyacinthe Bay Stewardship Area.
BC List: S5 (Yellow)
For more information see douglasii
Stachys chamissonis var. cooleyae (Cooley's Hedge-Nettle)
Observed in the Hyacinthe Bay Stewardship Area.
BC List: S5 (Yellow)
For more information see chamissonis var. cooleyae
Tellima grandiflora (Fringecup)
Observed in the Hyacinthe Bay Stewardship Area.
BC List: S5 (Yellow)
For more information see grandiflora
Trifolium hybridum (Alsike Clover)
Observed in the Hyacinthe Bay Stewardship Area.
BC List: Exotic
For more information see hybridum
Trifolium microcephalum (Small-Headed Clover)
Observed in the Hyacinthe Bay Stewardship Area.
BC List: S5 (Yellow)
For more information see microcephalum
Trifolium willdenovii (Tomcat Clover)
Observed in the Hyacinthe Bay Stewardship Area.
BC List: Yellow (S5)
For more information see willdenowii&redblue=Both&lifeform=7
Veronica scutellata (Marsh Speedwell)
Observed near Darkwater Lake.
BC List: S5 (Yellow)
For more information see scutellata
Vicia nigricans ssp. gigantea (Giant Vetch)
Observed in Hyacinthe Bay Stewardship Area in 2020.
BC List: S5 (Yellow)
For more information see: or nigricans ssp. gigantea&noTransfer=0
Vicia sativa var. sativa (Common Vetch)
Observed in the Hyacinthe Bay Stewardship Area.
BC List: Exotic
For more information see sativa var. sativa
Viola palustris (Marsh Violet)
Observed near Laurel Lake.
BC List: S5 (Yellow)
For more information see