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  • Wolf crossing Hyacinthe Bay

    This wolf was seen crossing Hyacinthe Bay at low tide at 8:30 am on August 9, 2018. I have, from time to time while hiking around Quadra, glimpsed what might have been a wolf, but never have got such a long, clear view of one before. I was standing on my deck overlooking the bay and just happened to have an ipad at hand.

    —David Broadland



    According to E-fauna BC, wolves on Quadra Island are Grey Wolves. In BC, subspecies of the Grey Wolf "are presently unresolved; two subspecies are recognized in BC, pending further research: 1. Canis lupus nubulis (coastal and southern BC), and 2. Canis lupus occidentalis (eastern and northern parts of BC." E-fauna BC attributes that information to Hatler et al. (2008).

    Please help us map the wolf's distribution on the Discovery Islands. Although they are rarely seen, they are somewhat more frequently heard singing in the middle of the night. If you hear wolves, please record them if you can and send us the recording and we will post it here. (Middle of the night recording of wolves in Hyacinthe Bay area.)

    You can leave a comment about wolves on Quadra Island here.

    For more information, see the E-fauna BC page on the Grey Wolf.

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