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  • The history of Quadra Island

    To date, there have been a few books published about the Discovery Islands that have provided a representative sample of stories, mainly from the period of early European settlement after 1880, which have captured the flavour of island life in settler times. Foremost among these are Jeanette Taylor's books, including The Quadra Story: A History of Quadra Island and Tidal Passages: A History of the Discovery Islands. Another notable effort to compile stories from the islands between Cortes Island in the south and Malcom Island in the north is Doris Andersen's Evergreen Islands, which is no longer in print but copies can be found in used books stores and elsewhere.

    Herein we will not attempt to provide the kind of histories Taylor and Andersen have provided. Instead, we are initially content to provide a database of newspaper reports, magazine articles, photographs and other materials to assist assist community understanding about the long-term relationship between humans and nature in this place.

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