Wolf Lake
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GETTING THERE: Wolf Lake can be accessed by foot starting from the Newton Lake parking lot, or from a little further up the Two Mile Lake logging road. There is a steep hill about .5 miles east of the parking lot that only 4-wheel-drive vehicles attempt. The hike to Wolf Lake is about xx kilometres, round trip. Stay on the main road until just before Clear Lake. The Wolf Lake branch leads north uphill towards Wolf and Hummingbird lakes. The image below does not reflect all recent road-building and clearcuts you will see along the way.
Below: Our aerial surveys of Wolf Lake. The lake is home to a population of Coastrange sculpin. Note the extensive area of old-growth Douglas fir on the east side of the lake. The tenure-holder's plan indicates all the old-growth will be logged. (Once you click the play button, better resolution can be obtained by clicking the white wheel in the lower right side of the viewer and choosing as high a resolution as possible.)