Primary forest survey: Maurelle Island
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The map below shows potential areas of old forest (outlined in yellow) and areas where BCTS plans to log (outlined in green) on Maurelle Island. Once potential areas of old forest have been confirmed as old forest, those areas will be outlined in red.
Caution: The BCTS mapping may not be up to date. This mapping is provided by GeoBC and changes automatically when they receive BCTS data. The background satellite image does not reflect recent logging.
The map below shows legal Old Growth Management Areas (OGMAs) on Maurelle Island. These mapping designations were determined by the Cortes Landscape Unit planning process and may or may not include actual old-growth forest. The Discovery Islands Forest Conservation Project will map old forest on Maurelle Island using on-the-ground confirmation.
Non-legal OGMAs in parks and ecological reserves have also being mapped for Maurelle Island and are used to meet the target for OGMAs in the Cortes Landscape Unit. Those can be viewed here.