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  • Discovery Islands Protected Areas

    Past progress in protecting publicly owned land in the Discovery Islands from clearcut logging has largely taken the form of creating provincial parks. For the most part, these areas are primarily intended to provide recreational opportunities for the boating public. One ecological reserve, which covers the eastern half of East Redonda Island, and one protected area (Small Inlet Protected Area) are the only protected areas that didn’t include boaters as part of their creation rationale.

    Very little primary forest is actually protected by the parks. In the case of the Small Inlet Protected Area, almost the entire area had been logged previous to a declaration of future protection.

    Some of the best arguments for conserving more of the forested land on the islands, especially to protect biodiversity, are found within the creation rationales written by BC Parks for the protected areas that have been established. Over and over again, the rationales point out the small fraction of this or that ecosection each protected area represents, and how little of that ecosection has been protected on the coast. To read the rationale for creating a particular protected area, click the appropriate orange box in the map below and follow the link provided.

  • In 2022, only a fraction of the land on the Discovery Islands has any protection (18 percent of Quadra Island, for example). Yet Canada is a signatory to the High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People, which calls for protection of 30 percent of the area of land and oceans of Earth by 2030. The proposal is prompted by scientific recognition that Earth is in the midst of a critical collapse in biodiversity. Thus the focus of the 30 by 30 plan would be on areas of high biodiversity. We believe the Discovery Islands, where a high percentage of the land is publicly owned, should be part of that plan.


    Discovery Islands protected areas, by island:


    Quadra Island

    Area of protected Crown land (including freshwater lakes)

    Main Lake Provincial Park: 3530 hectares

    Small Inlet Marine Provincial Park: 753 hectares

    Small Inlet Protected Area (previously logged): 157 hectares

    Octopus Islands Marine Provincial Park: 404 hectares

    Rebecca Spit Provincial Park: 22 hectares

    Surge Narrows Marine Provincial Park: 47 hectares

    Total area of Quadra Island: 27,248 hectares

    Total area of protected Crown land: 4913 hectares (18 percent)


    Cortes Island

    Area of protected Crown land (including freshwater lakes)

    Smelt Bay Provincial Park: 18 hectares

    Manson's Landing Provincial Park: 753 hectares

    Hathayhim Marine Provincial Park: 1039 hectares

    Total area of Cortes Island: 12,743 hectares

    Total area of protected Crown land: 1810 hectares (14.2 percent)



    Sonora Island

    Area of protected Crown land (including freshwater lakes)

    Thurston Bay Marine Provincial Park: 320 hectares

    Total area of Sonora Island: 16,525 hectares

    Total area of protected Crown land: 320 hectares (1.9 percent)


    Read Island

    Area of protected Crown land (including freshwater lakes)

    Read Island Provincial Park: 625 hectares

    Total area of Read Island: 5,743 hectares

    Total area of protected Crown land: 625 hectares (11.0 percent)


    Maurelle Island

    Area of protected Crown land (including freshwater lakes)

    Surge Narrows Marine Provincial Park: 112 hectares

    Total area of Maurelle Island: 5,706 hectares

    Total area of protected Crown land: 112 hectares (2.0 percent)



    West Redonda Island

    Area of protected Crown land (including freshwater lakes)

    Teakerne Arm Marine Provincial Park: 117 hectares

    Walsh Cove Marine Provincial Park: 39 hectares

    Total area of West Redonda Island: 17,430 hectares

    Total area of protected Crown land: 156 hectares (less than 1.0 percent)


    East Redonda Island

    Area of protected Crown land (including freshwater lakes)

    East Redonda Island Ecological Reserve: 6212 hectares

    Total area of West Redonda Island: 10,032 hectares

    Total area of protected Crown land: 6212 hectares (62 percent)


    South Rendezvous Island

    Area of protected Crown land

    East Redonda Island Ecological Reserve: 110 hectares

    Total area of South Rendezvous Island: 110 hectares

    Total area of protected Crown land: 110 hectares (100 percent)


    Islands in the Discovery Group that have NO protected areas on Crown land

    Hardwicke Island: 7633 hectares

    West Thurlow Island: 8133

    East Thurlow Island: 10,638

    Stuart Island: 1681 hectares

    Raza Island: 1685 hectares

    Penn Islands: 129 hectares


    Legal Old Growth Management Areas (OGMAs) by island

    Legal OGMAs are spatially designated areas, supposedly within the timber harvesting land base, that have been established to “protect” old forest for the purpose of biodiversity conservation. In many cases these legal OGMAs do not contain old forest but have been set aside as “old forest recruitment areas”. The location of such recruitment OGMAs can be changed by the ministry at the request of a logging company.

    The Ministry of Forests has also created “non-legal” OGMAs which are generally created in already protected areas, like parks and ecological reserves, to minimize the impact of OGMAs on timber supply.

    Only those islands where landscape level planning was conducted have OGMAs on them. Note that Quadra, Sonora, the Thurlows and Hardwicke Island have no legal or non-legal OGMAs. Where are the legal OGMAs located? See this map.

    Cortes Island:  523.3 hectares

    East Redonda Island: 257.1 hectares

    East Thurlow Island: zero hectares

    Hardwicke Island: zero hectares

    Maurelle Island: 310.9 hectares

    Quadra Island: zero hectares

    Raza Island: 66.3 hectares

    Read Island: 92.7 hectares

    Sonora Island: zero hectares

    West Redonda Island: 866.7 hectares

    West Thurlow Island: zero hectares


    Islands in the Discovery Group that have NO Crown land

    Hernando Island:

    Savary Island:

    Marina Island:

    Twin Island:

    North Rendezvous:


    Related information:

    Perhaps the greatest impetus for change on the Discovery Islands is the biodiversity crisis

    Species at risk on the Discovery Islands


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