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  • Old Growth Strategic Review Technical Advisory Panel's (TAP) mapping of Prioritized Big Treed Old Growth

    TAP describes these areas as: “This map is a subset of [the map of Big Treed Old Growth], showing the highest priority big-treed old growth. To create this map, we varied the targets for each ecosystem based on finer-scaled ecological risk. Whereas [the map of Big Treed Old Growth] shows the biggest 10% or 30% of expected amount of old for all ecosystems, this map shows the biggest 3% or 5% forests in ecosystems at lower risk, and 7%, 10% or 30% of expected for ecosystems at higher risk.”

    In the map, red-coloured areas represent old growth; orange areas represent mature forest.


    Other TAP mapping

    Big Treed Old Growth

    Ancient Forest

    Remnant Old Ecosystems

    Old Growth Forest

    Recruitment Forest

    Priority Deferral Areas

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